First, you can be happy to find in English language very good information, specially recommended by the Padre: this is above all the latest universal Catechism, which gives you really the teaching of the Catholic Church valid for every country. Secondly, you will find a more simple catechism also, the classical "Baltimore Catechism". And if you don't understand something you find and read there, I will personally help you furthermore in the right understanding and interpretation. - Nevertheless I cannot take any responsibility for the following links. You can send me immediately your questions and recommendations by eMail or without a mail program very easily by my socalled Formular, Father Alex.

International Start Page - English Start Page

1. here you will find the Whole and Universal Catechism of the Catholic Church.
I want to enter immediately in the contents.

2. here you find the more Simple and Classical Catholic "Baltimore Catechism"!

3. here you can order some "Catholic Answers".

4. here you find "Human Life International", because every Person has the Absolute Right to be Really Born.

5. here you find our Holy Father John Paul II. - the Holy See - the Vatican!

6. here you find an important Statement of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith about the Message of Fatima and the Appearances of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God.

7. here you arrive at "Una Voce" : Interesting Details about the Latin Liturgical Tradition of our Church.

8. here you find Jerome's Pages (Toronto) on the Catholic Church and Faith: arguments for converting to catholicism

9. here you find Apologetics, Thousand Arguments for and Full Information about the True Faith: "Fishers of Men".

10. here you find very good Information about the Appearances of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God, in Guadalupe (Mexico).

11. here you find the Catholic Foundation Cardinal Mindszenty.

12. here you find the "Catholic Family and Human Rights Institute", especially for the work within the UN.

13. here you find the "Emperor Karl League of Prayers for Peace Among Nations".
(Italian - italiano:) Pia Unione di preghiere Imperatore Carlo per la pace dei popoli.
(Hungarian - magyar:) Károly-Király-Imaliga a világbékéért.

14. here you find Excellent Information about "IMAGO - Christian Art Today".

15. here you find the Catholic "Friends of the Suffering Souls".

16. here you find the "Holy Infant Jesus of Prague".
(Italian - italiano:) Il Santo Bambino Gesù di Praga.
(Czech - cesky:) Domovska stranka Prazskeho Jezulatka.

17. here you find a great Catholic Christian Resource about the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of God.

18. here you find The Latin Mass Society, a founder member of the International Una Voce Federation.

19. here you arrive at the Roman Catholic Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem.

20. here you find the famous Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN), a Global Catholic Network.

21. here you find the "Internetpadre", a very important Roman Catholic Resource with Detailed Information about many Questions and Arguments!

22. here you find the Envoy Magazine, a Journal of Catholic Apologetics and Evangelization.

23. here you arrive at an Internet Sales Point for Vatican Documents and Catholic Theses.

24. here you can participate in the Important Campaign against any Form of Abortion.

25. here you find the Canon Lawyer Rev. Rhode presenting you important Canon Law Sources, the Profession of Faith and the Oath of Fidelity.

26. here you arrive at Turris Eburnea, a Meeting Place for Women to search for the Truth about Love putting Youth and Beauty (Fashion Shows) at the Service of the Good and attempting Fortitude and Purity to prepare themselves for Marriage that lasts a Lifetime.

27. here you get very important Catholic Information about the Questions of Possession and Exorcism.

28. here you arrive at the Catechism of the Catholic Church provided by the Vatican.

29. here you get into the famous Catholic St. Mary's School in David City (USA: NE 68632), offering Quality Education to a Student Body of 250 Students (Pre-K to Fifth Grade) in a Christ-centered Atmosphere.

30. here you find the Catholic Encyclopedia, Full and Authoritative Information on the Entire Cycle of Catholic Interests, Action and Doctrine.

31. here you find the North American Institute for Living Latin Studies (NAILLS), this is the Septentrionale Americanum Latinitatis Vivae Institutum (SALVI) for the Promotion and Long-term Future of Classical Studies.

32. here you find News in Latin - Nuntii Latini, a Weekly Review of World News in Classical Latin, produced by the Finnish Broadcasting Company.

33. here you find some Catholic Greeting Cards of Blue Mountain.

34. here you find the Excellent Catholic YOU Magazine, Voice of a Young Generation preparing the World for Christ (produced also for Russia, Poland and France).

35. here you find the Original Free Multimedia, Multilingual Rosary for different Computer Systems.

36. here you find the Home of the World Wide Rosary Crusade.

37. here you find Catholics United for Life, organized to pray and give Witness for all Innocent Human Life, especially the Preborn (providing also the Perpetual Web Rosary).

38. here you find the Excellent Home Page of the Saint Charles Borromeo Catholic Church in Picayune (Mississippi) providing the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Free Online Apologetics Booklets and Information about Catholic Prayers and Spirituality.

39. here you find an International Portal for Catholics providing Education and Information on Catholicism: the Holy Scripture (Bible Studies), the Saints, other Home Pages and also Catholic Greeting Cards.

40. here you find the CatholicWeb providing Free Online Catholic Content and Services, keeping to the Teachings of the Roman Catholic Church Magisterium.

41. here you find the Maronite Patriarchate: History, Liturgy, Spirituality and the Locations of these Sympathetic Catholics: Kormakiti, Cyprus, Lebanon, Middle East, Overseas.

42. here you find the Maronite Research Institute.

43. here you find a Catholic Information Network.

44. here you find the Abortion TV providing Pro Life Information against any Form of Abortion.

45. here you find the Life and Mission of Saint Faustina and Essential Information about the Divine Mercy.

46. here you find the European Prof-Life Doctors, a Young and Important Initiative.

47. here you find the Catholic Spiritual Family "The Work".

48. here you find "Christian Solidarity International", which is reporting about the difficult Human Rights' Situation of Christians in Islamistic States: we must help.

49. here you find wonderful Poetry about spiritual life in early youth.

50. here you find the highly interesting scientific pages and projects of Prof. Bruno Codenotti, Director of the Institute for Computational Mathematics in Pisa and invited on many universities in the world.

51. here you find a Thomas Merton Webpage: even though the contemplative monk (Kentucky, 1915 - 1968) was never at Auschwitz, this poetry places him there so as to let his theological perspective respond to this horrendous calamity.

52. here you will find many other Interesting Links in German Language.

53. here you will find Links in Italian Language.

54. here you will find Links in French Language.

55. here you will find my Translation Site as First Little Help to understand my English, German or Italian Documents by getting them for example in English, French, Spanish or Russian.

And if the links to the catechisms should not work in the right way, you can also contact the address

International Start Page - English Start Page - E-Mail
(Father Alex)

This important campaign showing the feet of unborn babies after only ten weeks reminds everyone that absolutely nobody has the right to kill an unborn child through any form of abortion which means always killing of innocent human life that has to be respected from the first second of the conception. Let's pray for this important initiative! Father Alex

You can easily use this catholic search engine in English and Italian. You will find many more catholic home pages, because the aim will be: remaining and becoming catholic using the web. Best wishes and blessings from Padre Alex!